1. 网上支付,需要到指定的付款页面。 网址: (注:一定要用电脑浏览器打开这个链接,手机或者平板是打不开的) 选择你要入学的学期,点击enroll now!然后根据提示操作即可。如果你已经在美国境内,可以选择到校付款;如果你在境外,则必须网上支付。
2. 银行电汇 注意: 使用此方式支付的申请人,申请费、SEVIS费以及I-20表上列明的费用须一次性付清,其他学费及生活费须在学校指定银行账户中存有足够款项。 如需汇款,请按照以下格式填写银行通知单:
收款人名称: The Cornell University
Account Number:48735197
收款人地址:600 West Avenue, Ithaca, New York 14853
收款人账号: 48735197
开户行名称:The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
Bank Street Branch New York, NY
开户行代码:Chase 3368
Please note that we will not be able to issue an I-20 form or register you for classes until your application materials have been received and processed by the university’s admissions office. All required documents must be submitted before we can process this payment. In addition, we cannot offer any refunds once we have received this type of payment.