

首先,没有所谓的“第一名校”,每个人心中所想所念的“First choice" 都不一样; 但要说最受学生欢迎、申请难度最大、入学门槛最高的学校,那一定是G5超级精英大学了! G5=牛津+剑桥+帝国理工+伦敦大学学院+伦敦政治经济学院 (LSE) 那么,作为世界顶尖大学的G5到底对学生有多“刻薄”呢? 以UCL(伦敦大学学院)为例,它的录取率通常不到10%,而申请人数却比录取人数多出40%。 举个例子,比如说你心仪的专业只录取了2个中国学生 (4个offer holder) ,但是申请这个专业的却有70个人,那么最后会有49个人落选,竞争之激烈可见一斑。 而这已经算是五所学校里最“友善”的一间了…… 牛津、剑桥的录取比例更是低得吓人。

以牛津大学为例,在2018年入学的本科生中,有6.7% 的申请者获得了面试机会。经过层层筛选,最终只有3.5%的人能够拿到offer。 当然,拿offer的学生都是学霸中的学霸。以牛津数学系为例,offer holder的A-level成绩达到AAB的成绩,而中国学生最多的文科专业哲学则只需要AAA的成绩... 如果你的目标是牛剑,那么在高中的时候就必须保证自己的预估成绩能够达到上述标准,否则就与梦校无缘了… 在这些顶尖名校里,学生的本科平均GPA都能达到满分3.8/4.0, A-level至少也是A* AA的水平。

想要被G5学校录取,学生的竞赛成绩和课外活动也不能少。以帝国理工为例,大部分理科专业的申请人都要有至少一个奥林匹克参赛经历或者类似水平的国际竞赛奖牌。而在非竞赛专业如神学、人类学和语言学上,学生也必须表现出超强的研究能力和对某一领域狂热痴迷的热情才能被选中。 除了竞赛成绩外,学生们还需要花大量的时间来写学术文章,做志愿者工作,参加各项社团来填满自己的简历。


The 1st school in England to offer the Oxford Advanced Learners' Programme (ALP) is University of London International Programmes with its School of Advanced Study. The purpose and focus are that students will have an understanding about how their research could be used to make a difference globally, but at heart it has been founded on academic principles from one of England’s oldest university’s programmes- as well as being internationally recognised for academics like Jeremy Bentham who invented his famous Prison Reform Essay whilst here. ALP started out back in 2006 when ULIP launched what was then called ‘The Global Leadership Development programme’ – this is where we see the international aspect come into play…

I am now studying my PHD with them so I can use my degree to work towards developing new approaches to education, business leadership & management development which also include looking at different models such as blended learning systems too (i.e. mix face to face/online teaching modules alongside each other, etc)……
