G类是签证申请中的一种类型,一般指的是移民签证的申请者(General Skilled移民) G1: 申请者被移民局接受,但是还没有被分配到某个移民官来审理其申请. G2: 被分配到了一个移民官来处理该申请的审理, 但是还未开始正式的处理. G3: 申请人已经收到移民局的面试通知或者批准信等.
A类是指非移民种类的签证(Visit Visas) G类和A类的区别在于是否移民. 如果申请者是为了短期访问目的的商务,探亲,观光旅游等非移民签证类别的话,只需要准备A类的签证申请了. 而如果是为了移民而准备的签证,那么就要准备G类型的签证了.
G4: The visa is ready for collection at the visa office where you made your application, or it has been sent to an overseas visa office for collection there 请到递交申请的使馆或领馆领取已签发的签证 G5: Your visa was issued by this office but will be returned here for further processing because of a discrepancy with your original documents, or other reason 你所提供的申请材料与原来递交的不一致或其他原因导致需要退件处理,请返回你原来递交的材料以便下一步的处理
D类表示申请被拒签!! D1: Rejection on first application, please do not make another application unless specified differently in the advice letter from the department. 第一次申请遭到拒绝,除非从相关部门得到相反指示,否则请不要再次提出申请。
D2: You are advised that, if you want to reapply for a visa within two years following the date of refusal, then submit all documentation again as if applying for the first time. 拒签后两年之内你想重新申请,必须将所有材料按照初次申请时的顺序和程序重新准备.
D3: We need more information before we can decide whether to grant you a visa 我们需要更多的资料才能决定是否可以给你签证. D4: Refusal of this application does not preclude you from making any subsequent applications, however they may lead to additional scrutiny and rejection 本次申请遭到拒绝并不代表以后提出的申请也都会遭致同样的结果,但移民局有权进一步审查任何一次申请.