

1. 法律博士(JD):相当于我国法学本科,培养目标主要是培养能够独立律师职业的人才,申请门槛相对较低,大部分法学院都接受没有法律背景的学生申请,但基本只有美国的法学院提供JD项目; 时间跨度一般为3年,但也有像美国T9法学院那么牛的,提供2年制的JD课程。除了提供完整的法学科目外,还会设置诸如谈判、沟通技巧等软技能的课程。完成学业后需要通过美国的律师资格考试才能成为一名执业律师。

2. 法学硕士(LLM):主要招收具有法律背景的申请人,部分学校也招无法律背景的申请人,前提条件是具有良好的英语能力。这个项目的培养方向比较细分,一般会在国际经济法、比较法和国际关系等领域做选择。大多数情况下,LLM需要一年的时间学习,但是有些学校的某些专业会提供两个学位,一个法学硕士学位和一个法学博士学位,这样学生就可以利用三年的时间把这两个学位一起拿下来。和JD一样,通过了当地律师考试就能取得当地的律师资格。不过和JD项目比,LLM的项目设置会更加的实用和细化一些。

3. 法律科学博士(SJD/JSD) 这个项目只招收具有法律背景且通过司法考试的申请人,通常要求申请者有较为深厚的学术研究功底和较强的英语水平。其课程设置、培养方向与LLM有所不同,更偏重于科研。一般来说,这个项目都是给已经在职的律师设置的,让他们能够在不脱离现实法律实践的情况下继续深造。有的学院也会把这个项目提供给没有工作经验的申请人,但那样的话通常会对申请者有所加分,如优秀的GPA、出色的托福成绩以及丰富的课外活动经历等等。


LLM , Master's programme in Law with a specialisation on European and/or International law. In this master's you will study the rules, concepts of international law as well as EU law (and other laws) at an advanced level, in order to prepare to become an expert in your chosen area(s) within that field. You should be able to choose from more than twenty different fields of study during these two years- or even just do one single subject all year long if you wish so much. You can find courses for general subjects like business law, tax law etcetera here, while also see which universities offer the best programs by clicking on their names below... There are some additional requirements such as having a good command English(雅思成绩6分以上)etcetera but there is no need for any degree in legal studies; it works out really easy once you have found yourself where you want to enroll! The fee costs about $350 per semester for students enrolled abroad and they pay less if they live outside Europe too. There might be exceptions though depending on what country you come from. 希望对你有帮助吧~ Good Luck !
