

Visa 157/158 (subclasses are irrelevant for this discussion): The purpose of the visa is to support your application to study in Australia. It will be issued if you can provide enough information and evidence about who you really are, where you come from, what your background is like as well as how much money do you have so that immigration officers may assess whether or not you will leave Australia when the program finishes. This assessment includes assessing whether there are any non-Australian citizens with an interest in preventing your departure from Australia at the conclusion of your program, which means ensuring that they cannot influence you to stay illegally after the program has finished. If it appears unlikely that people other than yourself would want you to remain in Australia after the end of your program, then a visa officer could decide that you present no more danger than most visitors to Australia. Accordingly, they might issue you a valid student visa.

In short, Visa Officer decides on two aspects: (a)If he thinks you will return home; And (b)How serious such “influence” would be. It's important to note that VFS offices all over the world receive these decisions from their Home Offices on a regular basis but they don't inform applicants directly. Instead, once a decision is available for examination by the relevant authority,they take actions immediately according to specific criteria. For example: When the decision approves your case and gives a visa grant decision letter out,the VFS office will notify you by mail to collect your Passport and Visa. Otherwise,if the decision says you need additional documentation before being granted,you should go back to the embassy personally to explain the reasons why your documents were missing and try again! Generally speaking,there is only one chance to get things done right! Don’t waste your time! In addition,once your documents are submitted successfully,it takes around four weeks for the process of issuing the visa. However,this timeframe


我是在15年7月份申请的,大概等了两个月的时间吧! 我是先申请的学生签证后申请旅游签然后回国读书的(因为我想读语言班) 在递交移民材料的时候也一起交了留学材料的复印件 我的情况是 高中毕业去澳洲读大学 在国内学习雅思6.0分 然后申请了485签证 拿到了签证后在澳大利亚读了半年多的语言和本科的课程 现在已经拿到了硕士学位 想再申请一个工作签证 但是被移民局拒绝了 因为现在我在国内有工作想再申请485 希望不大了 就只能再申请学生签证然后再考虑找工作的事情 感觉好难啊 我现在在国内 不知道该怎么办啊 也不知道为什么会被拒签啊 真的好烦啊 这个签证太磨人了
