

来英国工作,你可以选择两种途径 1)Tier 2 General

This is for people who have a job offer in the UK, which will pay you at least £30,000 per year. You can apply after your visa has been approved if:

You already have an invitation from a sponsor company and their Home Office endorsement letter (for Tier 2 general) or endorsement certificate of sponsorship(for Tier 2 Minister of Religion). If this was issued more than three months before applying for leave to remain, then you must be able to show that: •you are still working for that employer; AND they have not stopped sponsoring you. If there is anything out of date on the endorsement it may need to be updated, eg if you start employment later than expected OR the endorsement period expires. It depends whether the reason these things happened is because of COVID-19 – only if so would they not count as “previously authorised”. The same applies where you had an approval in place but it does not cover every date when you were employed by your sponsor, unless that omission is also related to coronavirus restrictions.

Your current tier 2 visa is valid until February 5th next year, or longer if you applied outside the UK within two years of being granted a visa under other immigration rules. Your application needs to be lodged online with an application fee of around £460. There’s no charge to renew your existing stay, provided you are currently in the country legally. For details click here. You cannot apply through the home office whilst in the UK on a temporary visa such as a student study visa. To do this, you must first apply for permission to return overseas and obtain an entry clearance document before making an application. This costs around £178 in addition to the normal Tier 2 Application Fee.

It takes about eight weeks for a Tier 2 work visa application to process once submitted online, including any processing times while your supporting documentation is being checked. When it comes to Tier 2 visa extensions, however, the time allowed for checking all documents can be extended up to another six months due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on


谢邀~ 题主在问这个问题的时候,最好先弄清楚自己要去的是什么工作(因为有些工作是可以直接拿工签的);其次再了解自己的专业方向是否有合适的职位可以去尝试,同时做好去面试的准备(简历很重要哦!)

至于怎么准备嘛,比如你想做咖啡师的话可以找一些咖啡厅去投简历试试水看看,或者也可以到网上找找咖啡相关的培训,多学些技能也是可以的;又或者你是想做服务员、收银员之类的,那你可以考虑一下餐厅或酒店等地方的工作。 如果有合适的机会就尽快出手咯~

