

一、签证类型和有效期 1.1 Chilean Visa Visitor (V-7) (for citizens of countries that do not require a visa for a stay in Chile of less than three months, or who have an entry permit when they enter the country )

1.2 Chilean Visa Tourist (T-3) , with extension Tourist Extension (T-5), also valid for six and twelve month periods, as well as the Multiple Visas Tourist (MV-4/6/9), which allows multiple entries into Chile over different six month time spans

1.3 Temporary Resident Permit – Residencia Temporal de Chile (RTC), for foreigners already residing legally in Chile, with this type of residence it is possible to request any kind of work authorization, including professional visas for professionals without Chilean legal residency but working in Chile and other types of tourist permits such as DNI Turista(DNTa)and Residencia para turistas científicos y culturales (RCTS / RCTSc)

二、办理方式 在智利的领事馆或移民局均可在线申请旅游签,但大多数旅客都会选择先邮寄材料给领馆进行预审,然后再去领事馆取签;也有部分人选择全程在线申请 1.1 Online Application (V-7 and MV-4 only)  https://estudioexterior.cl/app/index_en.html?v=e03b8c33fcf8dbd07a45ff91a91866fd 1.2 Application by Mail

三、所需材料及说明 3.1 Required Documents: Passport, Return Flight Ticket or Travel Insurance, No Criminal Record Statement from Home Country, Residence Permit holders need additional supporting documents depending on their case, please consult our article for more information: “Residence Cards /Permisos de Aprendizaje” http://blog.schengengraceland.com/2016\/07/residencecardstemporaryresidentpermitschilelegalimmigrationchina-P \n 3.2 Detailed Explanations: For the most common cases we receive every week, here are some explanations about requirements and what you can do if your passport doesn’t meet all conditions. You may also find answers to frequently asked questions below:

A: The law requires that applicants be at least fifteen years old, please check whether your age meets these minimums.

B: Most people don’t have criminal records in China yet still fail the background checks due to incomplete police reports, wrong home address given in the passport, etc.


1. 没有听说过这个类型的移民政策,也没有了解过办理这种类型移民的机构(因为不是移民行业的从业人员);所以不能给楼主具体答案了!

2. 关于楼主讲的问题“想出国打工或者留学” ,建议去移民局官网查询一下相关信息(在知乎搜索到的信息可能不是很靠谱)

3. 如果真的想去国外工作,可以先办个旅游签证过去看看; 在国内申请到国外的就业许可证书后,就可以直接申请劳工证过去了 (不过现在外国公司在中国招外国人也要走中介手续了哦~ ) 希望能帮到你

4. 根据我在智利的观察来说,其实中国人还是去那里投资建厂的人居多吧…… 希望对你有帮助啦^O^ 祝好
