

一般国家都是分两种,1. 学生类(一般是D,F,J,M)2. 访问学者类(一般V)

以美国为例 D-1, F-1, M-1, J-1, Q-1:Student (non immigrant) visas; these visas are given to people who want to study at a college or university in the United States on a full time basis for more than six months but less than three years and those wishing to do so for academic degrees, vocational training not leading to an degree or English as second language. VISA holders may work part time while studying on OPT (Optional Practical Training). If you need to change schools because your first one is closing down,you can apply with a request of changing status from your new school. If you lose this application then you must leave the country before applying afresh. This type of visa requires students to complete their studies within its validity period if they wish NOT to stay beyond it;if they do,they have committed illegal immigration which will cost them thousands of dollars plus possibly jail term when caught. Students must maintain good grades otherwise they'll risk losing their right to remain here legally. Also note that all foreign applicants are required by law to prove financial support for themselves and their dependents during their period of enrollment. For example, if parents were to send $30k every year,the student would be expected to demonstrate he/she has enough money ($60k)to last four years. The government wants to make sure students don't just come here for free education instead of working after graduation.

These visas also require proofs showing where students plan to live, how much rent etc. It might take weeks until approval, thus most colleges provide accommodation for fresh arrivals. When leaving home for study abroad,make sure you keep track of your residence permit and carry plenty copies along. Some countries issue multiple entry visas,which makes travel back and forth very easy unless there’s some problem with your paperwork. A lot of foreigners go through trouble over staying in USA illegally due to wrong information about such visas! Please double check everything before signing documents!!!!

B-1, B


留学签证,顾名思义就是去外国留学的签 证。那么为什么要办留学签证呢?因为现在中国的教育体制跟国外有很大的区别,所以有很多同学想去国外的大学读书,那么就需要办理一个留学生签证了。当然这个要满足留学的条件哦! 目前我们办理最多的国家是韩国、日本和新加坡 这几个地区国家的政策也是不一样的 如果想申请这些地区的学校的话欢迎咨询哦!
