

2019 年的今天,这个问题已经不重要了。因为美国签证政策大变,只要不去政治敏感地区,无外债无房无车无存款的屌丝青年都能轻易拿到十年美签!

以下为原答案: 我第一次申请美签是 2014 年夏天。当时我在英国读书,我表哥在美国工作但居住在中国,他在北京给我预约面签的时间和地点。他告诉我面试时尽量说少点英文,别给签证官挑刺的机会。

到了面试那天,我穿着白衬衣牛仔裤去领事馆。进去以后先填表,然后排队等待面试。轮到我的时候,是一个白人女签证官。她让我坐在面前的小圆桌后,开始用流利的英语问我问题。我问她也答,对话如下(括号里的内容是我自己补充的解释)——VOA:Where are you going? Me: To US VOA:Is it for one month or more than that Me:More than a month. And then I have to go back because of my study at school, but after August I am free VOA:Why do you want to visit the United States? Me:Firstly it is an ancient country which attracts me since childhood; and secondly, there will be a big sports meeting in Los Angeles next July where many countries including China and UK participate. My father also told me he wants to take my younger brother here so that they can know each other better as their communication was only by phone until now (这里其实应该这么说"and thirdly,my dad tells me…") VOA:Who will support your trip? Do you own enough money for spending over there? What about housing? Do you have any friends staying in USA? If not what would you do when you arrive at this city? Is there anyone living here who could invite you and show you around? Why don't you stay with him/her overnight instead of hotel? Me:I can get support from my home family and I already have sufficient money to pay all expenses on trips like this although it may not be much according to American standards, and I also saved some funds before departure; however I really need accommodation in order to rest properly between long-distance flights; plus if necessary I can ask help from my relatives visiting America later. As we speak English, it won’t cause language barrier if something happened; while Chinese food tastes different form those in Western world ,maybe some people wouldn’t like them……VOA:OK That’s everything thank you very much! 过了一会儿她被另一名中国男性签证官叫走了。我也跟着走出了办公室。十分钟后我被告知可以离开并等着拿护照。过了半小时左右我发现还没有拿到就去找他们,结果工作人员说我的护照已经被他们寄往上海我表哥的公司那里去了...当时我人在伦敦上学,没办法就只好在朋友家住了一个礼拜等那边的消息。




如果已经过了面试,就请他去喝咖啡吧! 没过的话,就去星巴克点咖啡然后和他聊天吧~ 去之前记得打扮漂亮一点哟~(女孩子最好化个妆)这样比较有吸引力嘛! 你可以在那里聊一些关于旅行的问题,聊聊你对你要去的国家的感觉啊什么的都可以哦。

不过还是建议你好好准备一下,因为毕竟是第一次见面嘛!而且签证官是一个国家的人,可能不太懂你的习惯和语言呢所以不要觉得他听不懂就不说中文啦! 当然你也要有礼貌地说话的哟!毕竟人家也辛苦了呢!加油呀!
