

Harvard has a long history of academic excellence, and its programs are highly ranked on a global scale. The university's 50 majors span every field of study imaginable – from economics to earth science to government – as well as pre-professional fields like law and medicine. Most undergraduates can choose between two types of degrees: the A.B. (Bachelor of Art) in which all coursework is taught by faculty members with doctorate degrees;and the S.B.(Science Bachelor)in which some classes are taught by PhD level scientists but most are taught by graduate students who have received Master’s Degrees in their respective disciplines.

Some popular undergraduate majors include Economics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Psychology, and Government. All applicants must be accepted into one of these broad fields before being permitted to declare an undergraduate minor. There is also a possibility of creating your own individualized major program with approval from a Faculty Committee.

In addition to traditional classroom teaching methods, Harvard employs several "flipped" classrooms that allow teachers to assign readings outside of class so that there is more time for in-class discussion and group projects. Other innovative features at Harvard include First-Year Seminars, which offer small groups of first year students the opportunity to explore topics not usually covered through core curriculum, as well as Early Study Programs, which enable qualified high school students the chance to take courses in college subjects prior to matriculation at no cost other than travel expenses.

The application process starts with submission of an online form followed by receipt of student transcripts、test scores 和a personal statement of up to 1,000 words describing why you wish to attend Harvard、what you hope to gain from this experience and how your background will contribute to the diversity of our campus community. Some schools require additional applications such as essays or teacher recommendations depending upon whether they offer early decision/early action or regular decision admission decisions. Applicants are notified of their acceptance status based on







