可以更改。 办理美签的流程是:进入网站选择护照类别,填写相关信息,打印申请表(必须用英文大写字母);持护照、照片和填好的表到大使馆或领事处签证部办理。申请费为160美元。 一般5-7个工作日出签。如果申请人是去旅游,最好提供旅行团发的证明,说明去美国的目的只是观光,不要乱跑。如果申请人是自己去的话,就要多准备一些材料证明自己确实有钱有闲可以花大量的时间在美国参观游览了。但美国不会允许单纯观光的游客长时间待在美国,所以申请人最好不要冒险,否则不但会拿不到签证,还会被禁止今后出国。 在面谈过程中,签证官主要考虑以下几个因素:申请人的教育程度及工作背景。 如果申请人曾出国留学或者访问过美国,会被认为有较好的经济状况及赴美目的,容易被通过。因为留学或访问都是比较有约束力的经历。美国非常看重教育程度,因此如果学历高也容易让签证官相信其有能力支付在美期间的所有花费并能按时回国。如果有美国公司的邀请函也会给签证加不少分。 最后,就是申请人与签证官交谈时的表现。这一点非常重要哦!在面谈之前一定要做好准备,不能对签证官的任何提问都答不上来啊!
1:Why do you want to visit the United States? (为什么想去美国) (回答参考案例 A: “I have a friend living in New York City, and every time she comes back from her visits there, she just keeps telling me how beautiful that city is. I was always intrigued by all of those tall buildings, Broadway shows, and shopping.So when my daughter told me about this trip to Europe with your program last year, it gave me the opportunity to travel around Italy for two weeks.Then after returning home, I realized what a great experience that would be if we could go further than Europe into Asia or farther even into Australia.If I get into our group, then I will really enjoy myself very much.”) (答案分析): 这个问题的回答应该从两方面进行介绍。首先谈自己对美国的认识和了解。然后谈到自己为什么需要美国。 回答的重点应该放在第二点上,也就是为什么要去美国上这个学。这种“理由”可以从各个方面来阐述。例如经济原因——学生可以去那里打工赚钱来支持自己的学习和旅行费用;
2. What are you going to study at university?
你大学里想学什么专业呢? (回答参考案例 B: "My major will depend on my decision as to which area interests me most, such as music theory, composition or performance.Of course, before deciding upon any particular subject, I must attend an orientation lecture given by faculty members so they can explain their areas of specialization.Afterward, perhaps some students might prefer one specialty over another but currently, I am interested only in learning more about the general principles involved rather than becoming an expert in certain fields" ) (答案分析): 一个学生应该对自己的学习目标有一个大致的计划,而不是说到了美国之后才会决定要读哪一个专业。这样会让签证官觉得该学生在赴美的目的方面不清晰。因此,学生可以在申请学校前就确定好一个大概方向和一个主修科目,然后再根据所选学校的具体情况做进一步决定。当然,这些都需要学生自己在