“面谈”是申请F1学生签证时必须要经历的过程,也是移民官通过和申请人面对面交谈来核实其是否满足赴美学习的要求以及是否具有合法的留学目的。 在进行面谈之前,同学们可以登录美国国务院网站,查看有关F1签证的最新动态;或者关注我们的微信公众号:USCPCconsulate 也可以查阅我们定期发布的签证信息。 同学们还可以在面谈前仔细阅读下面这份面谈指南: URL cts/visas/f1_student.asp#guidance 对于一些常见问题,比如为什么选择我们的学校、为什么要选择这个专业等等,同学们在准备答案的时候也要注意自己的表述方式,避免被误认为是有移民倾向而遭到拒签。
以下是移民法中关于移民倾向的定义: The term “immigrant intent" is not defined in immigration law, but the law does require an officer to consider the following factors when determining immigrant intent: (a) Whether a foreign national's statements indicate that his or her stay outside of the United States will be temporary, and whether such statement was made knowingly; (b) The length of time requested by the applicant for admission into the United States;(c) Any relevant evidence concerning age, health, family status, financial status, academic performance, occupation or employment history, professional skills或past travel to specified countries;and (d) Other specific factors regarding each case. 因此同学们在准备答案的时候一定要条理清晰且能自圆其说。 如果真的被问到难以回答的问题,也不要慌,尽量把自己的想法表达清楚就好。如果实在拿不出合理的解释,就如实向移民官承认吧!毕竟说谎的后果可大可小哦~